Social media has now become a part of most people’s daily lives, usually sharing celebrations of life and connecting with friends and family. Some people may share all aspects of their life and others may choose to simply monitor the actions of other people.
When it comes to family matters, these are extremely difficult times to go through and quite often there are a number of factors to consider when going through a divorce. Due to the high emotions involved in family matters, these can impact on the actions of those involved
When it comes to social media, there are different aspects that can impact on a divorce. Firstly, it may be that an individual going through a divorce has seen such matters discussed by others on social media which can impact how you might view the divorce process and create an incorrect idea of how the process works. It is best to not assume anything you read on social media to be correct and speak with a member of our family law team to ensure that you are receiving the correct advice. Divorces and financial matters vary depending on an individual’s circumstances. Here at Andrew Isaacs Law, we tailor our advice specifically to the information you provide to us.
In 2023, it is common that people may discuss their personal lives on social media and create unrealistic ideas about how the process works.
Another aspect is that within your family matter, the other person involved may be one of those individuals to share confidential or inappropriate information on social media about your divorce, and this can add conflict to your case.
Equally, you may be experiencing harassment through social media from your spouse and it is always important to share as much information as possible with your Solicitor to ensure that any matters relevant can be raised to the Court. As of April 2022, the Divorce Law changed, meaning that you do not have to provide the Court with a reason as to why you are seeking a divorce however where there are financial matters to be considered, it may be necessary to make the Court aware of certain conduct of your spouse, including any inappropriate behaviour.
Social media can be a useful tool in divorce in that it may help you locate your spouse during a divorce. If your spouse is avoiding being served with documents you may be able to locate them using social media location services if they continue to post information on a social media platform.
We would always suggest to refrain from posting anything about family law proceedings on social media as these are private and confidential matters and it can impact the divorce by adding negative feelings towards each other to a dispute. The Court always trues to assist people to resolve their family matters as amicably as possible to help you swiftly reach an agreement and avoid delaying a conclusion as Court proceedings can be a distressing time. If you have posted about your divorce on social media, depending on the content then your spouse may attempt to use this against you in Court and we wish to ensure the best outcome possible for our clients.
It may be best to consider limiting your use of social media to prevent any misunderstandings or negativity that can arise from posting or comments about each other. Where personal matters are involved, it can be difficult to control emotions and post content that does not assist a divorce in the heat of the moment. At the end of the day we are only human and it is natural to want to react where a spouse or other individual has said something false or derogatory about you, and by limiting the use of social media, this conflict can be avoided.
You may also want to consider reviewing your privacy settings and avoid contacting your spouse through social media which could lead to harassment bullying. By using a third party to communicate such as a solicitor, this keeps matters amicable and neutral. Should you be unsure about anything, we are always available to help answer any questions where you feel uncertain.
It may also assist your divorce if your spouse has posted certain matters on social media that have not been disclosed within Court proceedings, for example your spouse may have posted on social media about assets such as a businesses or expensive purchases that have not been disclosed when considering the assets of the family “pot” to a financial settlement.
Social media can add another level of transparency to matters such as boasting of assets, location services, employment details and any conversations that can be seen between friends could give you an indication as to your spouse’s intentions.
Social media can also offer people support and it may be that people find themselves joining groups that offer them support or following useful posts that help them understand the law better. The use of social media is not always negative. It can sometimes be a very helpful resource. A professional social media platform for example could lead to one party embarking on a new job, career or training which in turn can improve peoples earning capacities during divorce.
Here at Andrew Isaacs Law, we can discuss your circumstances and what options are available to you for your divorce, and whether there are any children of the family to take into consideration and more often than not, there are finances to consider as well. There are a number of circumstances that make each matter unique and specific advice would be required. Contact us today to book in for your consultation where we can assist you, because your family matters.
Dated: 19.10.23
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