Author Archives: Kerry Ridley

Have a Plan for Mental Incapacity!

Did you know that every three minutes in the UK a person develops dementia?  Most people know someone or have been affected by dementia in the UK, yet we still fail to plan ahead. No one has the right to access your money, even if it is to pay for care.  You, therefore, need to […]

The Financial Implications of Divorce: Dividing Assets and Debts

When getting divorced one of the biggest considerations by the parties is the financial implications of a divorce and how the assets are to be divided. You may wonder what will happen to your family home, business, pensions and debts, all of which are part of the assets that are usually considered. This can be […]

Summer holidays and child arrangements for separated parents

Dreading having to agree on child arrangements with your ex-partner for the summer holidays?  You are not alone! The school holidays can be an extremely difficult time for separated parents who are faced with having to come to an agreement on arrangements for how the children will share their time between them. It may be […]

Gaslighting – What is it?

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse using psychological manipulation which causes the victim to question their own judgement and in severe cases doubt their own sanity In a relationship, your partner may frequently try to convince you that you are wrong even if you are right, dismiss your point of view and purposely provide […]

What to expect when arranging a Consultation with a Family Lawyer

Here at Andrew Isaacs Law, we understand that finding yourself in a position where you require assistance from a Family Lawyer can be extremely daunting. When separating from your partner you may need advice on the separation or divorce, the financial matters arising from relationship breakdown or issues relating to the children.  Clients often tell […]

What is the role of an Executor in the Probate process?

When making a Will, you have to choose someone to act as your Executor. Your Executor must organise your funeral and carry out the terms of your Will. This will usually involve applying for a Grant of Probate, completing inheritance tax forms, collecting in the assets and distributing the Estate. When appointing an Executor, it […]

Divorce Process – Final Settlement

When couples divorce, it is advised and sensible for the parties to reach a final settlement in relation to their finances. It is always hoped that the agreement can be by consent between the parties but failing this, an application for financial remedy can be made to the Court and ultimately, if agreement is not […]

Can the Court help me to spend time with my Grandchild?

  Recent research shows that two third’s of grandparents care for a grandchild full time or on a regular basis. There are many misbeliefs when it comes to their rights in regard to grandchildren. It is common that when the parents of a child separate, the extended family and relationships between a child and their […]

Do I need a Cohabitation Agreement?

The phrase ‘once bitten twice shy’ comes to mind when considering this question or perhaps you are a person who sensibly likes to be prepared for all eventualities and plan ahead. What is a Cohabitation Agreement? It is an agreement to enable unmarried couples who intend to live together or are already doing so, to […]