Author Archives: Kerry Ridley

Why make a Will?

A Will can help to protect your loved ones after you die and ensure that your assets are dealt with in a way that you choose, rather than how the law states.  Here we detail why it is important to make a Will, no matter what your circumstances, and the top reasons for making a […]

TOLATA: Cohabitation and Shared Property

When it comes to cohabitation and shared property, disputes can arise that often require legal resolution. The Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, commonly known as TOLATA, provides a legal framework for resolving disputes related to property ownership and interests between cohabiting parties. In this article, we will delve into TOLATA claims, […]

Agreeing Finances in Divorce

Agreeing a financial settlement as part of a divorce can be a daunting and stressful process. It is always important to obtain legal advice whichever way you decide to resolve the finances. Whether it be by reaching an agreement on a voluntary basis or requiring the involvement of the court. A financial agreement will only […]

The Emotional Toll of Divorce: Coping Strategies & Self-Care Tips

The divorce process can have an emotional toll both before legal proceedings and after and is not just felt by those going through the divorce, but often by the families too.  It is especially daunting for the children involved as they struggle to understand the reasons for the changes to their lifestyle. Although everyone reacts […]

The Impact of Social Media on Divorce Cases

Social media has now become a part of most people’s daily lives, usually sharing celebrations of life and connecting with friends and family.  Some people may share all aspects of their life and others may choose to simply monitor the actions of other people. How do people use Social Media platforms in a Divorce? When […]

Do I need a Power of Attorney for my child who has a learning disability or autism?

Powers of Attorney are governed by the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and they aim to empower people to be able to make their own decisions, if they are able to, regardless of a person’s diagnosis. We all have varying degrees of capacity and whether a person can make a decision depends on the situation that […]

Divorce and the Menopause

Menopause is a topic which is beginning to have much more focus. However,  there is currently no specific family case law which relates to the menopause. What is the Menopause? The menopause occurs once a person has stopped menstruating, which tends to be around the age of 45-55. Most people do experience menopausal symptoms before […]

The Benefits of Trusts in Estate Planning

            Estate Planning needs careful consideration, and many times Trusts within Wills are overlooked, either because people are scared of them or the person writing the Will is unaware of the benefits of Trusts.  Below we will detail the main types of Trusts to be considered when estate planning. Property […]

Estate Planning for Blended Families – Considerations and strategies

  Blended families are becoming more common.  A Blended family is one where a couple has a child or children together but have children from previous relationships.  These types of families can raise concerns as to how each family member will benefit when a parent passes away.  It is therefore important to consider estate planning […]