Author Archives: Kerry Ridley

What is a Common Law Spouse?

The Common Law Spouse is much talked about Much like the legendary Loch Ness Monster,  there are claims of sightings and yet in England and Wales there is certainly no chance of seeing one! It is true that in Scotland prior to 2006, a couple could be married ‘by cohabitation with habit and repute’ but […]

My ex-partner is refusing to return my child, what can I do?

Unfortunately, we have seen many instances where a parent has refused to return a child to the other parent following contact.  This can be extremely traumatic for the parent that is left not knowing what they can do legally to have their child returned to them. Here I have set out some guidance on steps […]

How can I help my elderly parents prepare for the future?

According to the 2021 Census, results have shown once again that the population in England and Wales has continued to age.  The number of people over the age of 65 has increased to over 11 million, up by 2.2% on the previous census in 2011 when there were 9.2 million people. We are an ageing […]

How can I find out where my children are living?

How can I find out where my children are living? As a parent, ensuring the safety and well-being of your children is a top priority. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for families to experience changes in living arrangements due to divorce, separation, or relocation. If you find yourself wanting to know where your children are […]

Same Sex Marriage and Divorce

Since 2013 it has been legal for same sex couples to get married in England and Wales. The Marriage (same sex couples) Act 2013 is the law that introduced them, and the first same sex marriages took place on 29 March 2014. The Act allows same sex couples who married abroad to be recognised as […]

Do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney? What is it?

Many of us don’t like to think about the future and our own demise but sometimes a little bit of planning can make the world of difference to our families and loved ones as well as ourselves. A stroke, heart attack, dementia or a severe accident can leave us dependent upon other people to help […]

What happens if my partner dies before we are divorced?

Divorce proceedings can be stressful and complicated at the best of times. When a partner dies during the proceedings it can be incredibly difficult and lead to uncertainty in an already stressful situation. Here we answer many of the questions that arise in this situation. What happens if my partner dies during the proceedings? This […]

Common Mistakes in Divorce – How To Avoid Them

This article gives general advice in respect of issues that arise often in divorce. I will not refer to them as mistakes, as we all do things that in hindsight we would not do again! Firstly, please remember the distinction between divorce, the legal ending of your marriage and separating finances. They go hand in […]

Do I need to renew my Will?

The vast majority of people make more than one Will over the course of their lifetime. It is important to review your Will from time to time, but always in the following circumstances: You get married or enter into a civil partnership If your Will was not stated to be made in expectation of your […]