Author Archives: Amanda Page

Parenting is for Life, not just for Christmas…

If you have children together then stopping being in a relationship with your partner does not stop you being parents together, and this remains a fact however old the children are. Co-Parenting is generally used to describe a positive approach to  arrangements where both parents remain committed to being pro-active and involved in the lives […]

What is a Gatekeeping Appointment?

WHAT IS A GATEKEEPING APPOINTMENT?  You have completed your Application for a Child Arrangements Order C100 and paid the Court Fee (or obtained your exemption). You then receive an Order from the Court saying that CAFCASS have been ordered to prepare a Safeguarding letter, and that a date has been set for a Gatekeeping Appointment […]

Domestic Violence is not exclusive to Adults

The tragic death of Holly Newton aged 15 at the hands of her 16 year old ex boyfriend has highlighted the fact that domestic violence is not exclusive to adults. Reading the reports of her parents campaign to have the law changed so that Domestic Violence is recognised as a crime when the victim is […]

Silver Separators – What are they?

What are Silver Separators? These are not the latest inhabitants of the Marvel universe but rather the parties involved in so-called “Grey Divorces”. This term relates to people over 50 who are seeking divorces, a number that is rising (based on statistics from the United States). Divorce Statistics In England and Wales, the divorce rate […]

Child Arrangements at Christmas – are you prepared?

  Trick or treat has happened, and fireworks have lit up the sky.  Inevitably this means that Christmas is drawing near.  It also means that it is already late to be discussing how your child or children will share their time between you and their other parent over the festive season. If you already have […]

Divorce Costs in the UK – Who Pays?

When we say “divorce costs” it is important to understand that this relates to the costs of the divorce only, it does not cover any costs incurred in respect of your finances. In April 2022 the new laws came in which meant that in England and Wales we now have the ‘no fault divorce’. This […]

How can I help my Child to Cope with Divorce?

Separation is a stressful time for parents and children.  Parents are often angry and hurt or feeling guilty about what is happening.   Unfortunately, this often means that the needs of any children involved are overlooked or become buried in the negative emotions that are swirling around them,  Even more concerning is that the children themselves […]