Monthly Archives: July 2023

The Financial Implications of Divorce: Dividing Assets and Debts

When getting divorced one of the biggest considerations by the parties is the financial implications of a divorce and how the assets are to be divided. You may wonder what will happen to your family home, business, pensions and debts, all of which are part of the assets that are usually considered. This can be […]

Summer holidays and child arrangements for separated parents

Dreading having to agree on child arrangements with your ex-partner for the summer holidays?  You are not alone! The school holidays can be an extremely difficult time for separated parents who are faced with having to come to an agreement on arrangements for how the children will share their time between them. It may be […]

Gaslighting – What is it?

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse using psychological manipulation which causes the victim to question their own judgement and in severe cases doubt their own sanity In a relationship, your partner may frequently try to convince you that you are wrong even if you are right, dismiss your point of view and purposely provide […]