Monthly Archives: March 2023

Care Home Fees – How Much Will I need to Pay?

Many people are concerned that if they move to a residential care home, their children will lose most of their inheritance. If you need help with daily living tasks, your Local Authority has a duty to work out what your care needs are and to provide appropriate assistance. They may arrange for carers to visit […]

I am a Business Owner – Will my Shares be treated as Marital Assets?

  It is not uncommon for one or both spouses to have business interests and within financial proceedings linked to divorce, there is often argument as to what emphasis should be placed on such business assets. Business Value One of the first questions asked is usually how much is the business worth? When considering such […]

What is a Prohibited Steps Order?

  There are a number of Court Orders that can be applied for under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989, and there are articles on our website that discuss these in more detail. These include Child Arrangements Orders, Specific Issue Orders and Parental Responsibility Orders. In this article I will be talking about Prohibited […]

Do I have to pay for my children if I don’t see them?

  Do I have to pay for my children if I don’t see them? The answer to this question is usually yes. Both parents are legally responsible for providing financial support for their children. It is a common misconception that if a parent does not spend time with the child or is refused contact by […]

What is Spousal Support?

  Spousal Maintenance, also known as Spousal Support is financial support which can be paid by one spouse to the other when a marriage breaks down. There are two types of Spousal Maintenance: Interim Spousal Maintenance (also known as Maintenance Pending Suit ‘MPS’). Spousal Maintenance An order for interim Spousal Maintenance can be made after […]

Mental Capacity – The Key Facts

  The Mental Capacity Act 2005 sets out the rules for making financial and welfare decisions on behalf of people who lack mental capacity. There is detailed guidance on how the Act is intended to operate in the Code of Practice, which is very easy to read and full of examples of how to apply […]